Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

December, 2023

Unexpected Ways Memory Subsystem Interacts with Branch Prediction - Johnny's Software Lab

We investigate the unusual way memory subsystem interacts with branch prediction and how this interaction shapes software performance.

We Have To Support Every Line of Production Code Forever (我們必須永遠支援每一行生產程式碼)

In the heat of an enterprise deal moment, it’s easy to think very short-term about the long-term costs of one-off specials and “small requirements.”  There’s tremendous pressure to maximize the importance of a feature tweak to close this quarter’s big deal, and similar pressure to minimize both

Explorers are bad leaders | Derek Sivers
Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays • Buttondown

From a person who really shouldn't be giving others advice.

Database Fundamentals
A Close Look at a Spinlock – Embedded in Academia
Advancing cppfront with Modern C++: Refining the Implementation of is, as, and UFCS
GitHub - chaseSpace/k8s-tutorial-cn

Contribute to chaseSpace/k8s-tutorial-cn development by creating an account on GitHub.

Six Handy Operations for String Processing in C++20/23 - C++ Stories
The Importance of Career Laddering | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks

The title of this article is misleading. It’s not actually very important for an Engineering Manager to use career laddering, per se, or my process. It is,

Viterbi algorithm - Wikipedia

维特比算法(Viterbi Algorithm)是一种动态规划算法,通常用于在隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)或类似的概率图模型中找到最可能的状态序列。这个算法的主要应用包括语音识别、自然语言处理、编码理论等领域。




Lead and influence: Lessons from an ex-Uber Staff Engineer

👋 Intro to Irina I interviewed Irina Stanescu, an ex-Uber Staff Engineer and writer of The Caring Techie Newsletter . What makes Irina special? Across Google and Uber, Irina progressed from a new-grad engineer to Staff Engineer, tech lead, and manager within 8 years.

research!rsc: Go Testing By Example
一窺SRE初心者的生活:讓警報為您的人生畫下如交響樂一般的新篇章 :: 2023 iThome 鐵人賽
Let's Branch? Unlikely... - by Henrique Bucher

Recently, on LinkedIn, I read a post about an engineer who was surprised that his new, optimized version of a parser was slower than the original. The optimization consisted of removing the branches, which are the source of all evil according to the common knowledge in the street, right? His new version was slower, and a benchmark opened his eyes.

The LinkedIn DPH Framework
Making Software Reliable: The Importance of Testability

We'll break down the fundamentals of automated testing, software design that enhance testability, and explore testing tools and frameworks.

Scaling an Engineering Org: A Journey Through Roles and Responsibilities
Bricks of Love: create purpose and engagement with weekly updates

In his book "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us," Daniel Pink talks about "motivation 3.0", which comes after basic needs are covered ("motivation 1.0") and carrots and sticks ("motivation 2.0"). There are three main components in Pink's theory: • Autonomy to be in control of our destiny — how do we work? Is there a dr...

Performance matters - new tricks for old dogs - Matt Bentley - Meeting C++ 2023
7 questions to help you be a better writer

Even when writing is not in your main wheelhouse

Advent of Code in C++ Template Metaprogramming - Made of Bugs
GitHub - CppCon/CppCon2023: Slides and other materials from CppCon 2023

Slides and other materials from CppCon 2023. Contribute to CppCon/CppCon2023 development by creating an account on GitHub.

Container Network Packet Drop in AKS |


Components overview - Cloudscape Design System

一个 React 组件库,专为云产品设计的。

Nginx Location Match Visible

nginx location match visible

Performance Optimization on Intel® Processors with High Bandwidth Memory - CodeProject

A Deep Dive into Performance Tuning for the Intel® Xeon® CPU Max Series

How to Choose a Startup


A good engineer thinks like a product manager
搶攻ULL低延遲電子交易商機,AMD推出第二款FinTech加速卡 | iThome


Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains-

We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because you...

[2304.06835] Automated Translation and Accelerated Solving of Differential Equations on Multiple GPU Platforms

We demonstrate a high-performance vendor-agnostic method for massively parallel solving of ensembles of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and stochastic differential equations (SDEs) on GPUs. The method is integrated with a widely used differential equation solver library in a high-level language (Julia's DifferentialEquations.jl) and enables GPU acceleration without requiring code changes by the user. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to hand-optimized CUDA-C++ kernels while performing 20--100$\times$ faster than the vectorizing map (vmap) approach implemented in JAX and PyTorch. Performance evaluation on NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, and Apple GPUs demonstrates performance portability and vendor-agnosticism. We show composability with MPI to enable distributed multi-GPU workflows. The implemented solvers are fully featured -- supporting event handling, automatic differentiation, and incorporation of datasets via the GPU's texture memory -- allowing scientists to take advantage of GPU acceleration on all major current architectures without changing their model code and without loss of performance. We distribute the software as an open-source library

Fsyncgate: errors on fsync are unrecovarable
Causal Trees

Projects and Ramblings

Advanced SIMD Algorithms in Pictures
Lock-free Atomic Shared Pointers Without a Split Reference Count? It Can Be Done!
基于sharedLibrary进行CICD流程的优化 | ylw's blog Powered by Go
In C++, how can I make a default parameter be the this pointer of the caller? - The Old New Thing

Again, you can't, but you can fake it.

Managing Up and Managing Down
How to ship fast

My principles for shipping fast and protecting momentum developed over ~12 years of building software.

Connecting the Dots: Understanding How Pods Talk in Kubernetes Networks
Inside Stripe’s Engineering Culture - Part 1
Kalman filter - Wikipedia

卡尔曼滤波器(Kalman Filter)是一种用于估计系统状态的数学方法。它通过将测量数据与系统动态模型相结合,提供了一种有效的方式来估计隐藏状态的值,即使测量数据包含噪声。



How to do annual planning and strategy for an engineering organization — Lena Reinhard

Master the art of annual planning for your engineering organization. Use the steps in this article to create a strategy that helps you hit the ground running, embrace flexibility, and involve your teams for alignment. And: Get a FREE planning template!