Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 47 (November 20, 2023)

NAND Error-correction Code — The Linux Kernel documentation
Unleashing the Power of Cilium CNI to Propel Trendyol’s Performance Up to 40%!
👷Deconstructing the 1:1 - How to have effective 1:1 meetings with your manager

Understand the importance of the relationship with your manager. Learn how to tailor your meeting depending on the role or personality of your manager.

Remote companies can be too asynchronous - PostHog

Even when Tim (my cofounder) and I were doing a Y Combinator (YC) batch in 2020, we realized we got more work done when we worked asynchronously…

How we work asynchronously - by Ian Vanagas

Our secret to shipping lots while working remotely

SadServers - Troubleshooting Linux Servers

"Sadservers.com" 是一個軟件即服務 (SaaS) 網站,專門為想要練習和提升他們在Linux伺服器疑難排解方面技能的使用者設計的。這個網站通過提供真實Linux伺服器上的“捕旗(Capture The Flag)”式挑戰來幫助使用者練習。用戶會獲得一個有問題的遠程Linux伺服器,然後他們需要嘗試解決這些問題。這些挑戰包括與Linux相關的常見軟件,如數據庫或Web伺服器等,雖然不一定需要對特定應用程序的細節有深入了解,但也包括需要熟悉相關技術的場景,例如Docker場景。這些場景大多是現實世界中的問題,類似於實際遇到的問題。




OpenZFS 2.2.1 Released Due To A Block Cloning Bug Causing Data Corruption - Phoronix

Those using OpenZFS 2.2 will want to update to OpenZFS 2.2.1 right away

Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule

保羅·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)在這篇文章中探討了“製造者”(如程序員或作家)和管理者遵循的不同類型的時間表。他解釋說,製造者通常更喜歡有大塊未受干擾時間的時間表,因為他們的工作經常需要深度專注和進入一種流暢的狀態。相比之下,管理者的一天通常被切分成一小時的時間間隔,因為他們的工作通常涉及會議和較短的任務。


Protecting our platform from spikes in usage by reducing load from the Monzo app

This blog explores how we’ve made our platform more resilient to spikes in app opens. We can now reduce load on our platform before we get overwhelmed so you can still access and use critical parts of the app, and your card continues to work.

How moving from AWS to Bare-Metal saved us $230,000 /yr.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, businesses are constantly looking for ways to optimize their operations and reduce costs. One such journey we embarked on was moving our infrastructure from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to a bare-metal solution. This transition not only provided us with more control over our resources

Why we test in production (and you should too) - PostHog

At PostHog, we test in production. There are many misconceptions about doing this. It does not mean: we commit to master every time we make a change…

Communication - Handbook - PostHog

Introduction With team members across several countries, it's important for us to practice clear communication in ways that help us stay connected and…

C++20, Spans, Threads and Fun - C++ Stories