Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

May, 2024

Function Composition and the Pipe Operator in C++23 – With std::expected - C++ Stories
Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to ...

Geekworm X1011擴充板讓Raspberry Pi 5安裝4組NVMe SSD | T客邦

Geekworm X1011擴充板透過PCIe排線與Raspberry Pi 5相連,能夠安裝4組NVMe通訊協定的固態硬碟,提供充足的儲存容量。NAS

Backblaze Drive Stats for Q1 2024

Read the Q1 2024 Drive Stats report, including the latest annualized failure rates (AFRs) and a check in on the average age of drives.

《Programming Massively Parallel Processors Fourth Edition》学习 - 李理的博客
The What, Why and How of Containers – Annwan

Linux manual pages:
Free BSD Handbook: Chapter 17. Jails and Containers
Linux kernel documentation: Control group v2

std::expected - Monadic Extensions - C++ Stories

std::expected from C++23 not only serves as an error-handling mechanism but also introduces functional programming paradigms into the language. In this blog post, we’ll have a look at functional/monadic extensions of std::expected, which allow us to chain operations elegantly, handling errors at the same time. The techniques are very similar to std::optional extensions - see How to Use Monadic Operations for std::optional in C++23 - C++ Stories.

关于本书 | 高并发的哲学原理

开源图书《高并发的哲学原理》,作者吕文翰,住范儿 CTO。

English-Corpora: COCA


Interview Warmup - Grow with Google

A quick way to prepare for your next interview. Practice key questions, get insights about your answers, and get more comfortable interviewing.

为什么 golang 提倡 「接收接口,返回结构体」这样的原则呢? - V2EX

程序员 - @shinelamla - 看到很多 go 代码在构造对象的时候,Newxxx()的时候,都喜欢接收接口,然后返回结构体,查阅了一些资料,始终无法理解这一操作的精髓,所以想问问大家,对这个 go 惯例的理解是怎么样的,希望得到一

干货收藏!Calico的BGP RouteReflector策略实践_Kubernetes_华为云开发者联盟_InfoQ写作社区

本文分享自华为云社区《Calico BGP RouteReflector策略实践》,作者:可以交个朋友。一 背景容器网络组件Calico支持多种后端模式,有Overlay的IPIP、Vxlan模式,也

7 Tips to Crush Your Onboarding from An Apple Staff Engineer
Error handling in Go web apps shouldn't be so awkward - Boldly Go

A useful error handling pattern for Go REST, gRPC, and other services.


优质C/C++学习社区,C,C++,Linux 开发,服务端开发,后端开发,网络编程,操作系统原理,架构设计,高性能,高并发

alpine 镜像时区调为 Asia/Shanghai 后因 TZ 与 apk del tzdata 导致不生效 - 水郁 - 博客园

现象: 设置 TZ 环境变量,并且最后删除 tzdata,创建出来的镜像运行时执行 date 后显示日期还是 UTC 时间。 FROM alpine AS runtime ENV TZ Asia/Shanghai RUN apk add tzdata && cp /usr/share



Exploiting Distroless Images

An abuse of functionality in the OpenSSL binary, installed in the official Google Container Tools Distroless Base container image, allows for command execution and arbitrary file read and write on distroless containers. By abusing the enc functionality in the OpenSSL binary it is possible to read and write to the filesystem using the -in and -out options and combining the write to the filesystem capability with the engine functionality that allows us to load shared libraries, it is possible to obtain command execution by uploading and loading malicious library.

C++ Core Guidelines

The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++

Google Testing Blog: Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Tes...

The beauty of OLAP SQL | Debugging the Universe

In my daily job, I develop backends for analytical dashboards that show graphs to users to help them better understand their data. I want to share with you a real case scenario using SQL to write powerful OLAP queries.

Don’t return err in Go — akavel's digital garden

Don’t return err in Go. Instead, add missing details relevant for debugging.

Golang is evil on shitty networks – Somewhere Within Boredom

In most cases, TCP_NODELAY shouldn’t be enabled.

Presenting to Engineering Leadership - A 5 slide formula with some advice.
Technitium DNS Server | An Open Source DNS Server For Privacy & Security

Technitium DNS Server is an open source authoritative as well as recursive DNS server that can be used for self hosting a DNS server for privacy & security.

Eloquent JavaScript
std::from_chars -
Play with Cilium native routing in Kind cluster
How conntrack Could Be Limiting Your k8s Gateway

Under high load in specific scenarios, a Kubernetes gateway may be limited by more than just its obvious CPU and Memory limits or requests if Karpenter is aggressively sizing the node (a different topic!). You may be hitting a wall in conntrack exhau...



Speeding Up C++ Build Times | Figma Blog

How we cut build times by 50% and shipped a solution for scale.