Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

December 23, 2023

Making Software Reliable: The Importance of Testability

We'll break down the fundamentals of automated testing, software design that enhance testability, and explore testing tools and frameworks.

Explorers are bad leaders | Derek Sivers
We Have To Support Every Line of Production Code Forever (我們必須永遠支援每一行生產程式碼)

In the heat of an enterprise deal moment, it’s easy to think very short-term about the long-term costs of one-off specials and “small requirements.”  There’s tremendous pressure to maximize the importance of a feature tweak to close this quarter’s big deal, and similar pressure to minimize both

Scaling an Engineering Org: A Journey Through Roles and Responsibilities
Bricks of Love: create purpose and engagement with weekly updates

In his book "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us," Daniel Pink talks about "motivation 3.0", which comes after basic needs are covered ("motivation 1.0") and carrots and sticks ("motivation 2.0"). There are three main components in Pink's theory: • Autonomy to be in control of our destiny — how do we work? Is there a dr...