Daily Shaarli
November 29, 2023

I discuss Stateless and Stateful, CI/CD, snowflake servers issue, logic of using Flux with Helm, custom Flux resources, checklist for GitOps, SSOT, and more.

Over the past years, we have seen a shift in processors from the previously dominant x86 architecture to the more energy-efficient (and often cheaper) ARM architecture. This trend is true for both consumer hardware, e.g., Apple’s M1 SoC and also server hardware, e.g. AWS’s Gravitron processor. Given that the ARM architecture has a more relaxed…

I discuss a multiple environments problem in GitOps as well as compare CI Ops vs GitOps. I analyze a rollback procedure, multiple clusters problem, and security

By Hieu Nguyen - October 3, 2023 In November 2021, Render introduced a free tier for hobbyist... Tagged with kubernetes, knative.