如果你在求職時操之過急,可能失去即將到手的錄取機會。我在擔任職涯顧問時,就有好幾次看到學員因為等不到通知,慌張地寫信催促,結果隔天就收到了拒絕信。這並不代表我們不能主動出擊,而是要有適當的策略和寫作方式,以下整理 4 種常見求職情境的寫作原則,希望能在求職路上助你一臂之力!面試結束:在每次的面試結束後,你都該寫一封感謝信,加深面試官對你的印象。別小看一封短短的 thank-you note,有許多英美面試官對此非常重視!
本文整理了 Nginx 常见的配置错误,供大家参考。如果你果你是初学者,可以先看我的另一篇基础文章。
Action verbs help bring your resume to life by painting a picture for the reviewer, and affirming your skills. Begin each bullet point statement or phrase with an action verb that points the reader…
程序员 - @shinelamla - 看到很多 go 代码在构造对象的时候,Newxxx()的时候,都喜欢接收接口,然后返回结构体,查阅了一些资料,始终无法理解这一操作的精髓,所以想问问大家,对这个 go 惯例的理解是怎么样的,希望得到一
The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Tes...
GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to ...
本文分享自华为云社区《Calico BGP RouteReflector策略实践》,作者:可以交个朋友。一 背景容器网络组件Calico支持多种后端模式,有Overlay的IPIP、Vxlan模式,也
In my daily job, I develop backends for analytical dashboards that show graphs to users to help them better understand their data. I want to share with you a real case scenario using SQL to write powerful OLAP queries.
Geekworm X1011擴充板透過PCIe排線與Raspberry Pi 5相連,能夠安裝4組NVMe通訊協定的固態硬碟,提供充足的儲存容量。NAS
Don’t return err in Go. Instead, add missing details relevant for debugging.
In most cases, TCP_NODELAY shouldn’t be enabled.